What to Do If You Have Ever Experienced Domestic Violence


Sadly, abuse is an all-too-common occurrence in relationships worldwide. One of the most prevalent types of abuse is domestic abuse, also referred to as domestic violence. This type of abuse is characterized by a pattern of behavior to gain or maintain power and control over an intimate partner. The abuse may take many forms, such as mental, physical, economic, and sexual.

How to Spot Abusive Behavior


The person who engages in domestic abuse may exhibit various harmful behaviors towards their partner or family member. They might constantly criticize their partner’s appearance, use language meant to humiliate, blame them for problems, or intimidate and threaten them.


They may also manipulate, lie to, or ignore their victim, and engage in financial abuse by withholding money or accumulating debt in their name. Sexual abuse, including coercion or forced sexual acts, is another form of abuse perpetrated by the abuser.

What to Do if You’ve Been Abused


Firstly, no one should ever be a victim of domestic violence. If you’ve suffered from domestic violence, know that you are not alone. As a general rule of thumb, it’s crucial to gather evidence and seek legal aid.


A lawyer acts not only as your advocate but also helps you build a case against your abuser. Utilizing both state and federal laws, your lawyer can work within their confines to ensure your and your family’s safety from your abusive partner.


A lawyer can assist you in obtaining protective orders, representing you in court, filing for divorce, pursuing a domestic violence lawsuit, and addressing ancillary legal issues. While seeking legal aid, conducting a background check on the lawyer is important.


A competent lawyer should have a history of litigating gender-based cases, be compassionate, and have a deep understanding of family law. When speaking to an attorney, it’s imperative to be honest with them. Advocates need to know the facts to help you build a strategic case.

What to Do as a Survivor


If you’re in fear for your safety or the safety of your children, contact the Critical Incident Stress Management Unit (CISMU) for help. Fortunately, CISMU allows you to communicate in languages other than English, making it useful even if English is not your first language. However, if you are in immediate danger, call 911 immediately.


Additionally, there are other domestic violence resources you can make use of. For instance, you can look for support organizations, such as the United States National Domestic Violence Hotline, which provides assistance domestically and internationally.

What to Do as a Concerned Person


Domestic abuse is incredibly complex, and victims may not always know how to get themselves out of the situation. Sometimes, they might not even realize they’re being abused until someone else steps in.


If you’re concerned about a friend or family member, it’s essential to choose a safe time and place to talk to them. Be specific with your concern, listen carefully, and show compassion. Avoid blaming them or minimizing their experience. Instead, mirror their language and offer support in whatever way they need or want. Remember to take care of yourself too by talking to a friend, family member, or professional.




Breaking the cycle of domestic abuse requires proactive action from survivors and concerned individuals. While seeking help may seem daunting, remember that you are not alone, and there are professionals available to support you through this difficult journey. Having a lawyer is beneficial and can protect your interests in the long run. If you recognize signs of an abusive relationship, do not wait until it’s too late to act. Report it immediately!

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