Is it Cheaper to Rent or Own?


Before the last few decades, buying a home meant you’d made it in life. In fact, many dubbed it the American dream. However, the option of renting has become increasingly popular over the last ten

Areas of Your Business You Need to Focus on as a Founder


Founders of businesses differ immensely as some receive venture capital funding while others use their personal nest egg to fund the business. Regardless of the funding status of the business, there is an importance of

4 Ways to Regain Your Confidence at 50


Turning 50 is a huge milestone for most women. Unfortunately, studies have shown that 50 is also the age that women often see their self-confidence plummet. Women interviewed in this age bracket purport to feel

Relationship Issues: What is Normal and What is Toxic


All relationships are different as the dynamic between two people can even change over time. There are so many toxic relationships that seem to be highlighted on social media. Today’s relationships do not have the