policeman checking woman's alcohol level

Do’s and Don’ts of Field Sobriety Stops


Law enforcement often sets up roadblocks, called field sobriety tests or DUI checkpoints, in which they stop traffic to check for individuals that may be driving under the influence or legally intoxicated. These checkpoints are

man fixing car engine

Troubleshooting Your Car’s Automatic Transmission


Here’s an interesting fact. Not only will that unexpected collision come with the possibility of having to track down an auto accident attorney in Denver to help you deal with the fallout, it will present

family in a car

Top 5 Best Family Cars


As couples continue to see their family grow, it only makes sense to buy a car that can accommodate everyone. Thankfully, todays family-oriented vehicles look a lot different than they did 20-30 years ago. Spacious

man driving red car

How to Become a Class A Driver


Take out your driver’s license for a moment. It should say that you are a Class C driver, but did you know that there are different classes for different drivers? Class B allows anyone over