Five Myths About CBD

Five Myths About CBD


Oh the wonderful world of CBD, where everyone has preconceptions and misconceptions about what it really is and how it actually works.  The CBD industry has take off with a bang, so it is no

What Are The Signs of Bone Cancer?


Bone cancer is a unique form of cancer that typically affects long bones within the body. With 3 unique cell types contributing to bone tissue, there are a variety of different bone cancers and different

Do Percussion Massage Guns Work?


Your body is undergoing constant changes as it adjusts to a busy and stressful life. Tools like massage guns can help you handle the stress of your daily life.  If you workout or are an

Understanding Convalescent Plasma Therapy During COVID-19


Convalescent plasma therapy is an experimental treatment that some doctors are using for people with severe coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). No drug has yet been proved to be safe and effective for treating COVID-19. And the

Yoga Poses During Pregnancy


Yoga-A blessing for pregnant women The advantages of yoga are world famous. Due to these advantages, this holistic way of exercising is being practiced all over the world. It helps in relaxation and breathing in

How to Avoid and Remove Pimples


Our skin has to bear the brunt of several factors such as pollution, erratic lifestyle, wrong food habits, and stress to name a few. All this makes our skin prone to several conditions. Acne is