loyalty program

5 Types of Customer Loyalty Programs


If you’re getting serious about value management and customer retention, you’ve probably considered creating a customer loyalty program that could help you hold onto your best clients and give consumers even more of a reason

How To Support Minority-Owned Businesses


When pursuing capital to start or grow a small business, many minority entrepreneurs have historically had a difficult time gaining access to loans and other financial tools.  In fact, minorities make up 32% of our

The Future Of Shopping And Payments In A Post Pandemic World


  The current pandemic has influenced many new shopping trends across industries. In the financial tech industry, contactless payment methods have increased due to health concerns. While there is no solid evidence COVID-19 is transferred

Areas of Your Business You Need to Focus on as a Founder


Founders of businesses differ immensely as some receive venture capital funding while others use their personal nest egg to fund the business. Regardless of the funding status of the business, there is an importance of